I think most of us noe that in life we have to make lots of decisions... i mean most of us had alreadi done that... but, to make a correct, win-win decision??? I guess most of us wld still have to grabble with it... I mean... mebbe its the wae i've been brought up, i usualli think in terms of responsibility and respect.. These usualli lead to a win-win situation... But... for some "wonderful" reasons, they failed me these days... All of a sudden... Out of the blue... In a bolt of the lightning... Why i dun understand... Responsibility. The part of me which usualli think in terms of the duties required of the individual. Respect. The other part of me which thinks in terms of the respect we have to give, and we have to receive in return... something of a trade...
but lately, away frm my parents and source of support, these failed me as the decision-making "wizard"... i do not understand why. These are the most important things one shld consider... although one may argue that its one's happiness that counts, i think that by growing up with such principles, i had gotten used to it and is, by far, happy and contented with it... Perhaps, jus perhaps, i will understand it someday.