Was looking forward to cross country de... But now...
Is ignorance a Bliss???I dunno lehx~ On one hand, it might be betta to be kept in dark, live life as happily as possible, not knowing the dangers future holds. On the other, it might be betta to have the adequate knowledge abt the future, prevent certain diasters and problems one may face...
So is it or is it not a bliss to be ignorant?
I noe dis is a question which was asked and asked again... but it's still the crux of my problem...
i kip asking myself questions, questions i have no wish for answers for... and yet, i continue to ask. Its annoyingly stupid of my curious mind but it nvr seem to give up asking...
I'll run. for the sake of numbing my mind. I'll run. for the sake of not troubling myself.
I'll run.